Liz truly is one of my favourite people. In fact, the link to her blog is listed over there on the right under "Light Me" as she is the not so dark and gothy one!

Liz was kind enough to subject herself to my 10 questions, and gave me the go ahead to post some of her fantastic Etsy wares here for all my friends and fans to oggle! (oogle?)
So here we go:
1) What inspires you most? Anime, my own nerdy ways, role-playing, and sometimes conversations with friends.
2) Is there a craft or art form you don't already do that you would love to learn? Tons! I'd love to learn bookbinding, leather working, wood working, more about knitting, glassworking, pottery... I could go on for days. XD
3) When did you discover you were creative? When I was a baby my mom painted ceramics. Apparently I wanted to help, so she gave me a rubber duck, a cup of water, and a brush. It worked until I figured out that it wasn't changing colors! My mom always encouraged us to be creative too.

4) Of all the things you do (craft wise) what do you most enjoy? Making plushies. (Like the Flying Spaghetti Monster over there!)
5) What is your favourite thing to do to relax? Role-playing games. (the tabletop ones, not video games)
6) Name your top 5 places to shop on the web. Etsy, Amazon,, Hancock Fabrics, and Sassy Bears and Fabrics (get most of the fabric for my plushies there!)
7) Do you listen to music when you work on your art / crafts? (if so, what kind?) I listen to music all the time, and in just about every genre! My playlist has pop, rock, metal, alternative, classical, techno, gothic techno, and even a little bit of rap and country. I also have Japanese, Romanian, Swedish, Korean, and Chinese music.
8) What is your favourite quote / mantra / creed at this moment? I can do anything I wish if I put my mind to it.
9) Who pushed you / had hard faith in your creative side most growing up? My mom.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing Liz!! Check out all Liz's awesome geekery at !!

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